“Black Comedy” Cast

Thank you to all the people who came to audition for Black Comedy. As was stated in the auditions, we worked really hard at the readings, which eliminated the need for a callback.  We had lots of hard choices to make, but this is the cast list:

Brindsley Miller – Sean Ogren
Carol Melkett – Jamie Barrett
Miss Furnival – Angelicque Cate
Colonel Melkett – Tom Visckocil
Harold Gorringe – Geoffrey Maher
Clea – Leah Rae Witt
Schuppanzigh – RJ Ogren
Georg Bamberger – Bruce Worthel

The show promises to be lots and lots of fun.  Congratulations to the cast, and our deepest thanks to all auditioners.  We can’t do this without all of you.

Thank you,
Randy Knott