become a member

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Weā€™re always happy to welcome new members into our theatre. After all, our members are our theater. As a volunteer-run organization, all that we create is done by our members to share with our community.


Annual membership begins at just $20. You can join or renew your membership online, or by downloading a membership form in Word or PDF format to mail or bring into the theater.

Why become a member? There are so many benefits:

  • Have fun, putting on good plays.
    Thatā€™s what weā€™re here for ā€“ to provide opportunities, in a social atmosphere, to cultivate our membersā€™ talents through high-quality theatre, and share it with our community. We produce five major productions a year, and sometimes a fifth ā€œstudioā€ show. Open auditions for actors are held for each show and when cast, actors are required to become members. Our members not only perform, but also produce, direct and stage manage our productions.
  • Learn, grow and share your talents.
    Members are encouraged to try any aspect of stagecraft that interests them: performingā€¦running lights and soundā€¦ handling costumes and propsā€¦ designing, building, and decorating our setsā€¦ doing publicityā€¦ even serving on our Board of Governors and the committees to select our plays and maintain our building. There are significant roles for everyone. Find out more about being a Volunteer [link] at Wheaton Drama.
  • Be in the know.
    Members receive our monthly newsletter, Tyro, and are invited to join our members-only Facebook community, where the latest info about our season, shows, monthly programs and any other news on Wheaton Drama is first shared. The best way to stay involved is to attend our monthly meetings (usually held at 7:30pm on the third Tuesday of every month). There you can learn what our various committees are up to, help us guide the theatre, and find out the numerous ways you can participate.
  • Enjoy monthly entertainment with friends.
    Most of our monthly meetings are followed by live entertainment from our members and by a bit of socializing over snack bites. The programs are a great way to hone your acting, directing, or technical skills.

Have questions? Want to talk to someone who knows Wheaton Drama? Contact the chair of the Membership committee . Or join us at our monthly meetings. They are open to guests, and weā€™d love to introduce you to Wheaton Drama.