Hey, all you prospective ogres, donkeys, princes, princesses, lords, ladies, and fairy tale folk!
Prior to auditions for Shrek, the Musical, we are offering two dance workshops:
Sunday, August 21, 2-3:30pm and Monday, August 22, 7-8:30pm, both on the stage at WDI.
These are entirely optional and voluntary; casting decisions will be made based on the actual auditions, not the workshops. And…if you want to come just to dance and not to prepare for auditions, you’re welcome to do that, too!
The workshops will follow the format of a contemporary dance class, with warm-up, across-the-floor work, combinations, and cool-down. Monday’s workshop will be a rerun of Sunday’s. You are welcome to attend both, but you won’t miss something by attending only one. The audition combination(s) will be taught both days.
Come dressed to move, and be ready to get your Freak Flag on!