Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI), held its annual Colby Awards celebration August 4 at Playhouse 111. The Colby Awards are named in honor of Colby Jones, a longtime WDI member who passed away in 1996. The Awards recognize volunteers for their outstanding contributions backstage and behind the scenes. This yearās Colby Awards evening began with an...
Tag: Bad Seed
“Bad Seed” Review
BadĀ Seed audience and critical reaction has been very positive.Ā Below is a link to Joe Stead’s review. http://steadstylechicago.com/badseed.htm
Being āBadā Can Be Fun
The cast of Bad Seed is having a great time preparing for opening night, January 27. Below, Jack Smith and Hannah Klose work a scene between Leroy and Rhoda. Photo by Jo-Ann Ledger. .