Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI), held its annual Colby Awards celebration August 4 at Playhouse 111. The Colby Awards are named in honor of Colby Jones, a longtime WDI member who passed away in 1996. The Awards recognize volunteers for their outstanding contributions backstage and behind the scenes. This yearās Colby Awards evening began with an...
Tag: Incorruptible
Incorruptible Cast!
Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) has cast Michael Hollingerās play, Incorruptible. The cast is: Ben Aylesworth (Olf); Jake Disser (Felix); Christina Fleetwood (Marie); Craig Gustafson (Martin); Jay Pauer (Jack); Rob Reinalda (Charles); Janette Spink (Agatha); Annie Walker-Bright (Peasant Woman). Incorruptible is directed by Tom Walker, assisted by production managers Jim and Kate Quan. Amy Johnson is...
Audition for Incorruptible at Wheaton Drama!
Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) announces auditions for Michael Hollingerās play, Incorruptible.