Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI), held its annual Colby Awards celebration August 4 at Playhouse 111. The Colby Awards are named in honor of Colby Jones, a longtime WDI member who passed away in 1996. The Awards recognize volunteers for their outstanding contributions backstage and behind the scenes. This yearās Colby Awards evening began with an...
Tag: On Golden Pond
Preparing āOn Golden Pondā ā photos by Steven Merkel
Steven Merkel's photos provide a look at some of the work that goes into opening night for "On Golden Pond".
Audition for On Golden Pond
Wheaton Drama, Inc.Ā announces auditions for Ernest Thompson’s play, On Golden Pond. Auditions will be at 7pm on Sunday, September 18 and Monday, September 19 at Playhouse 111, 111 North Hale Street in Wheaton, IL. Callbacks, if needed, will be on Wednesday, September 21 at 7pm.