Wheaton Drama, Inc. is presenting Erich Maria Remarque and Peter Stone’s WWII drama, Full Circle. Set in 1945 Berlin, a young woman and an escaped prisoner discover that sometimes there are more important things than just surviving. When a Gestapo Captain begins to suspect who they really are, the struggles between identity, love and responsibility threaten to...
Tag: Outreach
July 4th Parade Update
The 2012 Wheaton July 4th parade has been cancelled. More details in the link below: http://wheaton.patch.com/articles/july-4th-events-canceled
Wheaton Drama and the Stuff a Truck Food Drive
Come and see Wheaton Drama during Make A Difference Day 2010. On October 23 from 1-4pm, Wheaton Drama will be at the Stuff A Truck pick-up site (former Hubble Middle School, Roosevelt and Main Street, Wheaton). Stop by our booth for fun and entertainment, and be sure to bring a non-perishable food donation for The...