On stage at Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111 from August 17 to 19 is Broadway Ballot, a Broadway musical revue. This interactive revue features songs from musicals either that are new to Wheaton Drama, or which have not been performed at Wheaton Drama in the last ten years. Some of the shows featured in the revue...
Category: Shows
“The Sound of Music” Audition Notice
Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) is pleased to announce auditions for the 2012 fall family musical, The Sound of Music. This Rodgers and Hammerstein classic will be performed from November 9 to December 9 at Playhouse 111, 111 N. Hale Street in downtown Wheaton, IL. James A. Liesz is directing, assisted by Susan Carr. Joni Kotche is...
Cast List for “The Heiress”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Director: Marge Uhlarik-Boller Publicity: [email protected] Tickets: https://wheatondrama.org or call 630-260-1820 Wheaton Drama Casts The Heiress Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) has cast its first show of the 2012-2013 season, the Tony® Award winning drama, The Heiress. The cast is: William Austin as Arthur Townsend; Lisa Baggott-Miller as Elizabeth Almond; Larry Boller as Dr....
“Hansel and Gretel” Updated News
As of July 2, 2012, Wheaton and surrounding areas are recovering from the severe weather of July 1. We hope everybody in our community is safe and receiving the assistance needed to clean up after the storms. While the Playhouse does not have power at the time of this note, tickets can still be purchased via our website and our upcoming production is set...
Hansel and Gretel Posters!
Hey, there, Wheaton Drama members! We need your help spreading the word about Hansel & Gretel. Here’s the deal: if you can think of a good place for a poster (your park district, church, Starbucks, work, or favorite light pole), we’d love for you to hang a poster there. “But how do I get a...
Audition Notice: “The Heiress”
Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) announces auditions for the Ruth Goetz and Augustus Goetz drama, The Heiress. Marge Uhlarik-Boller is directing. The production manager is Mike Boyna.
A Bit of “Dirty Rotten” News
For your amusement, below are a few articles regarding Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. More to come!
See a “Dirty Rotten” preview on May 15!
The entertainment at the May 15 General Membership meeting is a preview of our 2012 Spring musical, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels! This free entertainment will be presented after the business portion of the meeting. The meeting begins at 7:30pm at Playhouse 111. Members: Don’t forget to come and vote for the next Board that night, too!