Wheaton Drama Announces Auditions For Children’s Show Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) is holding children’s auditions for a special production of Hansel and Gretel. With an original script by Berni Raymond, Wheaton Drama’s version of Hansel and Gretel is a lively, humorous rendition of the ancient tale, with enough fun and excitement to appeal to audiences...
Category: Shows
2012-2013 Season and More
Wheaton Drama is proud to announce upcoming shows! Special Events Hansel and Gretel A Special Summer Children’s Show Adapted by Berni Raymond from the classic fairy tale Directed by Jim Liesz July 6 – 8, 13 – 15, 2012 Broadway Ballot A Broadway Musical Revue Directed by Craig Gustafson August 17 – 19, 2012 It’s...
“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” Cast
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Cast and Production Staff at first rehearsal. Photo by Steven Merkel. Zoots Alors! Wheaton Drama Casts Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
“Black Comedy” News
Below are links to recent articles about Black Comedy. http://triblocal.com/wheaton/community/stories/2012/03/woodridge-actor-in-wheaton-dramas-black-comedy/ http://triblocal.com/arlington-heights/community/stories/2012/03/arlington-heights-actor-in-black-comedy-at-wheaton-drama/ http://www.mysuburbanlife.com/otg/features/x1907508574/Wheaton-Drama-to-turn-darkness-playful-in-Peter-Shaffer-farce-Black-Comedy http://triblocal.com/lombard/community/stories/2012/03/behind-the-scenes-at-wheaton-drama-lombard-resident-finds-support-opportunities-in-theatre/
“Black Comedy” in the News
Visit the following for an article on Black Comedy: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120229/submitted/120229861
“Black Comedy” Set Construction – First Day
Director Randy Knott’s photo of the Black Comedy set after the first day of construction (February 25). The set construction crew that day was: Ben Aylesworth, Steve Blount, Pat Daly, Don Dumper, Alex Finnis, Randy Knott, Geoffrey Maher, John Murray, Jen Neidl, R.J. Ogren, Sean Ogren, and Bruce Worthel. Rebecca Poole provided what was quite...
March Meeting Notes
The 2012 March WDI general meeting is Tuesday, March 13. For this date only, the entertainment will be presented first, followed by the business portion of the meeting. The entertainment begins at 7:30pm at Playhouse 111.
Auditions for “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”
Wheaton Drama Announces Auditions For Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) is holding auditions for its final show of the 2011-2012 season, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. This musical comedy has book by Jeffrey Lane and music and lyrics by David Yazbek. Based on the popular Michael Caine and Steve Martin movie, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels follows the...
“Bad Seed” Review
Bad Seed audience and critical reaction has been very positive. Below is a link to Joe Stead’s review. http://steadstylechicago.com/badseed.htm
“Black Comedy” Cast
Thank you to all the people who came to audition for Black Comedy. As was stated in the auditions, we worked really hard at the readings, which eliminated the need for a callback. We had lots of hard choices to make, but this is the cast list: