Director Craig Gustafson proudly announces the cast of the hilarious musical comedy, “The Producers,” running May 26 through June 18. The cast is as follows: Max Bialystock — Ken Kaden Leo Bloom — Benedict L. Slabik II Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yonsen Tallen-Hallen Svaden-Svanson — Heather Pauliks Franz Liebkind — Lars Timpa Roger DeBris — Mark A. Hutchison...
Category: Shows
Shows and directors for our 2017-18 season
Wheaton Drama is excited to announce next season’s shows and directors. The season will open with the classic musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” a story of maintaining traditions and transitions in an ever-changing sociopolitical climate—a message as important today as when the show was written. “Fiddler” will be directed by Carrie Dabelow, who has directed...
Your theater needs you, members. Please volunteer to usher for Outside Mullingar (March 24 – April 15). For more information, and to sign up, contact:
Auditions for ‘The Producers’ set for March 26-27
Wheaton Drama announces auditions for its 2016-17 season closer, “The Producers”—one of the funniest and most popular musical comedies of all time–to be held March 26-27. Craig Gustafson is directing. Music Director: Joni Kotche. Choreographer: Katy Smith. Production Managers: Elyse Wadzinski and Leah Rae Witt. To best utilize the time of actors auditioning for “The Producers,” auditions are by...
Here’s the cast of ‘Outside Mullingar’
Wheaton Drama proudly announces the cast of “Outside Mullingar.” Playwright John Patrick Shanley’s bittersweet comedy, set in the Irish Midlands, runs March 24 through April 15: Anthony Reilly: Aaron Hoge Tony Reilly: Bill Donaldson Aoife Muldoon: Jean Austin Rosemary Muldoon: Leah Rae Witt Crew chiefs are: Director: Rob Reinalda Production Manager: Randall W. Knott Assistant Director: Jim...
‘Outside Mullingar’ auditions Jan. 22-23
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outside Mullingar Auditions: Jan. 22–23, from 7–9 PM Callbacks: Jan. 25, from 7–9 PM Auditions will consist of readings from the script. Please arrive by 7 with your headshot and résumé. To help the production team, please email [email protected] with...
Casting for “The Elephant Man”
Director Sean Ogren and Assistant Director Suzanne Ogren are pleased to announce the cast for “The Elephant Man” at Wheaton Drama. We appreciate all those who came to audition. The cast: Peter Lemongelli as Treves Christopher Williams as Merrick Lisa Dawn Curran as Kendal Lars Timpa as Gomm Ric Holloman as Ross/Porter Dave Amato as...
Cast announced for “A Christmas Carol”
Director Pam Turlow is thrilled to announce the following cast for this year’s holiday show; “A Christmas Carol”: Charles Dickens — Rob Reinalda Ebenezer Scrooge — Lars Timpa Bob Cratchit — Jay Pauer Caroler/Child at Alms House/Goose Boy — Christina Pettinger Nephew Fred — Tony Kortas Mr. Bentley/Belle’s Husband/Old Joe — Josh Brown Mr. Charlton/Fezziwig/Topper...
Auditions for ‘The Elephant Man’
Wheaton Drama announces auditions for The Elephant Man. The Elephant Man is an ensemble piece featuring five main characters and a large number of supporting roles. The supporting roles in this production will rely on two or three actors able to play multiple characters. Dialects will be required for all roles. For any man trying...
Auditions for ‘A Christmas Carol’
Wheaton Drama is proud to announce auditions for its Holiday Radio Play, “A Christmas Carol,” which will be performed in a readers’ theater style. Director Pam Turlow is looking for strong, versatile actors of all ages and ethnicities who are capable of authentic British dialects. Auditions are Saturday, Nov. 5, from 11 a.m. to 3...