Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI), held its annual Colby Awards celebration August 4 at Playhouse 111. The Colby Awards are named in honor of Colby Jones, a longtime WDI member who passed away in 1996. The Awards recognize volunteers for their outstanding contributions backstage and behind the scenes. This year’s Colby Awards evening began with an...
Tag: Black Comedy
“Black Comedy” News
Below are links to recent articles about Black Comedy. http://triblocal.com/wheaton/community/stories/2012/03/woodridge-actor-in-wheaton-dramas-black-comedy/ http://triblocal.com/arlington-heights/community/stories/2012/03/arlington-heights-actor-in-black-comedy-at-wheaton-drama/ http://www.mysuburbanlife.com/otg/features/x1907508574/Wheaton-Drama-to-turn-darkness-playful-in-Peter-Shaffer-farce-Black-Comedy http://triblocal.com/lombard/community/stories/2012/03/behind-the-scenes-at-wheaton-drama-lombard-resident-finds-support-opportunities-in-theatre/
“Black Comedy” in the News
Visit the following for an article on Black Comedy: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120229/submitted/120229861
“Black Comedy” Set Construction – First Day
Director Randy Knott’s photo of the Black Comedy set after the first day of construction (February 25). The set construction crew that day was: Ben Aylesworth, Steve Blount, Pat Daly, Don Dumper, Alex Finnis, Randy Knott, Geoffrey Maher, John Murray, Jen Neidl, R.J. Ogren, Sean Ogren, and Bruce Worthel. Rebecca Poole provided what was quite...
“Black Comedy” Cast
Thank you to all the people who came to audition for Black Comedy. As was stated in the auditions, we worked really hard at the readings, which eliminated the need for a callback. We had lots of hard choices to make, but this is the cast list:
Auditions for “Black Comedy”
Wheaton Drama Announces Auditions For Black Comedy Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) announces auditions for Peter Shaffer’s farce, Black Comedy. Randall W. Knott is directing. The production manager is Don Dumper. Auditions will be Sunday, January 29, and Monday, January 30 at 7pm at Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111, 111 N. Hale in downtown Wheaton. Callbacks (if...