The 2016 winter show for Wheaton Drama is the poignant story, Rabbit Hole. Director Charles Berglund announces the following cast: Becca – Sharon Voss, Izzy – Lisa Dawn Foertsch, Howie – Garrett Ard, Nat – Suzy Krueckeberg and Jason – Tyler Kauffman. Chuck states, “We had 28 audition for five roles and there were many...
Tag: Rabbit Hole
Audition Notice: Rabbit Hole
Director Chuck Bergland will hold auditions for Rabbit Hole on Nov. 22 & 23 at 7 PM at Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111, 111 North Hale Street in Wheaton. Callbacks (if needed) will be held November 24. All the characters in the play are dealing with the accidental death of Becca and Howie’s 4 year son,...