Director Craig Gustafson proudly announces the cast of the hilarious musical comedy, “The Producers,” running May 26 through June 18. The cast is as follows: Max Bialystock — Ken Kaden Leo Bloom — Benedict L. Slabik II Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yonsen Tallen-Hallen Svaden-Svanson — Heather Pauliks Franz Liebkind — Lars Timpa Roger DeBris — Mark A. Hutchison...
Tag: casting
Casting for “The Elephant Man”
Director Sean Ogren and Assistant Director Suzanne Ogren are pleased to announce the cast for “The Elephant Man” at Wheaton Drama. We appreciate all those who came to audition. The cast: Peter Lemongelli as Treves Christopher Williams as Merrick Lisa Dawn Curran as Kendal Lars Timpa as Gomm Ric Holloman as Ross/Porter Dave Amato as...