Tag: the Musical

Home / the Musical

Shrek Dance Workshops

Hey, all you prospective ogres, donkeys, princes, princesses, lords, ladies, and fairy tale folk!  Prior to auditions for Shrek, the Musical, we are offering two dance workshops:   Sunday, August 21, 2-3:30pm and Monday, August 22, 7-8:30pm, both on the stage at WDI. These are entirely optional and voluntary; casting decisions will be made based on the actual auditions,...

August 8, 2016August 8, 2016by In Shows

Auditions for Shrek, the Musical

Youth auditions (ages 10-16): Saturday, August 27 – 1:00pm and 2:00pm Adult auditions (ages 17+): Sunday/Monday, August 28/29 – 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00pm Callbacks as necessary: Tuesday, August 30 – 7:00pm Auditions are by appointment only, but we will accept walk-ins if space is available Performance Dates: November 18 – December 11, 2016 Shrek The...